The Arbore church was build in 1502 by the noble Luca Arbore, advisor and close friend of Stefan the Great. The church, made of raw stone, is characteristic for the Moldavian clerical architecture during the time of Stefan the Great. Unlike other churches, at Arbore the towers are missing, a sign that the church was built as a small village church. The frescoes of an unprecedented artistic beauty were painted in 1541 and although large parts of them are deteriorated, the exterior western wall, representing scenes from the Genesis and the life of the saints, still maintains its original colours. The main colour is green -5 hues of green - blended with blue, yellow and red .The drawing is delicate and lively, the charcters are in motion, the citadels and buildings are seen in perspective. The characters are animated, graceful, their faces are glowing and their clothes are extremely elegant. The female saints move with soft elastic steps like ballet dancers. Frescoes of a great historical and artistic value are present here . The portraits of the Arbore Family, 'The Hymn dedicated to the Virgin Mary' and 'The Judgement Day', are painted here at Arbore in an unusual spot - on the southern wall (it is usually painted on the western side). For the painting of the church the Moldavian painters used about 15 shades, proof being the 15 small hollows cut in stone found at Arbore church.